Alpha V02 Now with more death

Would you look at the time, it's Alpha v02. What does this bring to the table?

Well I was planning to have the second dungeon done by this point but sadly that'll be in v03. This one has a bunch of little upgrades to things visually and while I kept delaying releasing an updated Alpha in the hopes of getting the second dungeon done... the differences between the two versions just got too big. 

Hopefully v03 will be complete in around two to four weeks but for now this is a much prettier playable version of the game. 

- Added status effect visuals and changed how they work.

- Added bleed status (in prep for second dungeon)

- Added enemy death effects

- Added Intel/World map screen, world map looks bad and Intel just gives you rough notes on where to go. 

- Added wiggling enemies around so they are no longer in perfect grids, amazing.

- Save points are in and highly functional. 

- Bunkers work (they're pretty much tents)

- Added shortcut to dungeon one.

- Added town 2 (It's not very functional yet)

- Added the map for dungeon 2 (Lacking fights, treasure, and other things but you can walk around)

- Built a full layout for the world map... not that you can really see too much of it yet.

- Updated the equip screen to show stat changes to wearing different gear.

- Added details about selected moves in combat

Files 52 MB
Oct 01, 2022

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